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  • Message to attendees- November 19th Networking Breakfast

Message to attendees- November 19th Networking Breakfast


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Hi how are you? Edward Plant here from The Business League. If you’re getting this email with this video attached it is a pretty safe that you’re coming to our next business breakfast.

I am really excited about the next business breakfast. It is all about you and a 100% networking. Most people call it networking breakfast, I don’t. This is actually a networking workshop. Yes, there will be breakfast but it’s a side aspect of what we’re there for.

What we’re going to do is I’m going to introduce you the 6 essential skills that are needed in any networking. If you can master these, you can put your networking on the steroids. No we’re not going to all of them but we’re going to go deep into one of them. I will explain what are the 6 are and then we will go deep into one of them. The end result of that should mean you will walk away with some great referral connections as a result of the breakfast.

There are 2 things that I need you to do between now and when you turn up at the breakfast.

  1. Ideal client – I need you to get really clear on your ideal client. Experience tells me that you’re not. Most people were able to give a bit of an idea of their ideal client. What I’d like you to do is go deeper, get clear on it and bring them with you
  2. Great Referrers – Who are your great referrers? Who are the people in the past that have been giving you awesome referrals and connections?

That’s all you need to do. Bring those 2 and I look forward to a pretty action packed morning. It’s in Southport Upper Parkwood International Gold Course. Bring those 2 answers and I look forward seeing you there.

It’ Edward Plant signing off for The Business League.
















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