Modelling in Your Networking


The other day, I was talking to a new member about modelling and the importance of it in networking.

So we just had a new member jump on board. He’s a tradie.  He’s in Victoria. I was chatting to him and one of the things I asked him was why did you join The Business League?

And he said, “well, I think modelling is really important. And you guys have some great resources that I can tap into to help me with that.”

I asked him ”what do you mean modelling in networking?”

“Are you talking about the clothes you wear and strutting into the event sort of modelling what you are wearing?

I didn’t really, because that’s. Not the type of modelling he was referring to. 

What Nick was advice he’d been given from one of his mentors.  His mentor spends a day with other successful business owners every month and his mentors aim is to find one thing that he can use in his businesses. He is always looking at others and modelling what he can learn of others.  HIs mentors advice is find people you can model.  Learn from them.  Surround yourself with others who can lift you.

So that is what Nick was looking for.

This is one of the very premises behind why we get world class speakers to present at our networking events. And this is just one of the resources Nick was talking about.

We bring in amazing speakers, not professional speakers, but real-life business owners running businesses and doing things well.  We are talking about ‘Entrepreneurs of the Year’,  ‘Telstra Business Award Winners’, ‘Chief Entrepreneurs for State Government’,  five time Olympian, gold medalists, and business owners that are running multimillion dollar national businesses.

High calibre, successful operators. 

They come to our events, to share what got them to where they’ve got to, what they’ve learnt, what they recommend our attendees members do to get more success. They are open, they are honest, they are vulnerable and they share openly.  They share openly because they want others to succeed as well. 

And we are all in business to be successful. 

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Those that say otherwise, are kidding themselves.  As a business owner, you’re a driven person. You want results. You want to make your life better. It might not be huge results. And I’m not saying you want to run a a hundred million dollar business, but you want to be better. You want to have a bigger impact on your life, your families life, your staff’s lives. 

So Nick was talking modelling off our speakers.  But he was also talking about modelling off the other members.  Other members that are doing things that he wants to be able to do in his business. And he called it modelling.

And I completely agree with him. It’s one of the guiding principles of The Business League. And it’s one of the key strategies that everyone should adopt.

So when we guide members in terms of modelling we talk to them about the following:

                –              What can you learn from that person?

                –              How can you adjust that for your business?

                –              How can I implement this into my business?

                –              What else do I need to know?

                –              What other questions can I ask to explore this more fully?

The end result for our members is we give them ‘modelling’ opportunities every single week.  All they need to do is follow a proven system.  By doing that they have opportunity to model behaviours, patterns, strategies and tactics.  From doing this members improve their business.

So modelling is essential for your growth, your business growth, and also for you to network better. S

Let us know if you’d like to do some ‘modelling’ at one of our next events:

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