The Business League Networking Workshop
My name is Edward Plant from The Business League and a lot of you may have seen me or have been to one of our events and you may be surprised but we don’t actually run business networking events.
Again, this is Edward Plant from The Business League and we work with business owners to connect, develop and grow their businesses.
I was at the networking event the other morning and it was good. It had people – tick networking, it had guest speaker, it was okay, it had breakfast – tick but at the end of it, it was a bit underwhelming. You get to meet maybe around of 10 people in the table, there’s not much networking time and you may meet people at the coffee station and get a bit of a conversation going but its all surface chats.
I see that it’s a continual problem in networking events whether their breakfast, lunches or dinners. Would it be great if you’re getting to a networking situation that would really be connecting with people? You really get into a deep conversation talking about what was important in your business, what you’re looking for and you could either support someone else find all that or you could get it found for your business. They’re the kind of networking events that we run, I call them networking workshops.
You get in and your workshop with people. What you want, what you need and leave with results, clarity and some great connections and some great support from people that you might not have in the past. The last networking workshop that we run we had 60 businesses attended and at the end of it there was a 120 of great connections made so that was 2 per person.
We’re running again another networking workshop coming up in a couple of weeks and it’s the same focus but different method. We change it up each time to workshop through different to ways of doing it for different businesses. Same great results but an actual workshop will roll up your sleeves and get focus on what you and your business need to achieve.
If you’re interested in finding more about it, check the button below and I look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon. Just have some kids coming out and joining me now so I’m going to go ahead and sign off.
It’s Edward Plant from The Business League. I am looking forward to catching up with you soon.
[button_4 size=”medium” color=”blue” align=”center” href=””]The Business League Networking Workshop [/button_4]