It’s an assumption of many business owners that if they grow their business to an international level that things will have to change. Most put the reality of this off – the fact that opening branches and extending operations into other countries might require long plane trips and extended jaunts overseas. When the time comes for business to expand, many find they don’t want to uproot their lifestyles to move overseas or to a more central business hub in Australia.
Such a move is something that can put an enormous strain on your business and personal relationships, leading to what experts call being “hypermobile”, which can have serious emotional, mental, social and physical consequences on one’s well being – ranging from difficulty sleeping to premature aging.
If you’re wondering what your options are for business success if you want to retain a sense of normalcy and establishment in your current lifestyle and location, you could take pointers from the Australian sisters who run two wildly successful fashion labels that are in demand by international celebs and available in over 130 countries. They’ve managed to grow their business – and nab last year’s coveted Telstra Business of the Year Award – while remaining firmly established in their hometown of Byron Bay.
The success of sisters Isabella Pennefather and Elizabeth Abegg is proof that while your small business might grow to be big, it doesn’t have to happen in the city where the ‘action’ is. It’s possible to reshape your business landscape without uprooting yourself from your connection to regional Australia – while enjoying a few advantages as well.
The sisters actually cite their location as helping them save on office space costs and more. In fact in a recent profile Abegg confessed that a core part of the business success and aesthetic is directly related to Byron Bay – the ‘third character’ in the team. The pair also frequently use Byron Bay as a backdrop to their photoshoots for social media – something they have done since the beginning that they say helped the brand spread internationally faster than anything else.
With no plans on relocating and business better than ever, Isabella Pennefather and Elizabeth Abegg are testament to the fact that you can retain the life you want to live, where you want to live it – without stifling the growth of your business.
Join us on Wednesday the 1st of March for a Business Breakfast at the Bond University Campus where we’ll get to hear from Elizabeth Abegg.
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